
THE BGB Studio 2018


THE BGB Studio 2019


All classes are currently online.

Classes and private coaching include working with assigned industry sides via Skype, Facetime or Zoom for the purpose of script analysis, character breakdown, choice making, shooting and viewing self tapes, including notes. Acting is doing. The actor can sit or stand and fully commit to the scene, the character and the with Corey. The casting process now relies on self tapes, Skype and Zoom, which makes this a great time to work on these business platforms from the perspective of an actor. Learn how to make choices that are creative and that set you free, work to instill the scene and the character with your authenticity-the one thing no ones else in the world has. Learn to connect or reconnect with your love of the work, letting go of tension and slipping into a sense of ease throughout the process. Do you experience obstacles such as fear and doubt? Corey can show you how to allow your humanness to connect you to the character, instead of separating you from it. The character exists on paper, it is your heart, your mind and body that will bring the character to 3 dimensional life, allowing you to serve the story, further the action of the script and face the conflict head on.



Contact Corey for prices


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